Motorcyclist protection

The support posts of the steel crash barriers stand in great numbers at the edge of Luxembourg's roads. When a motorcycle crashes there is always a risk that the driver hits these posts. In the event of an accident the collision can be devastating and the impact with the post fatal.

The passive protection in terms of road safety has continuously and greatly improved over the years. Contrary to the positive development in the safety on our roads, we must sadly note that the number of seriously injured motorcyclists continues to increase.

The installation of an underride guard on steel crash barriers is crucial when it comes to the road safety of our motorcyclists. This protective measure often prevents an impact with the installed support posts with serious consequences such as sliding underneath the crash barrier. Also, there are no corners or edges that could lead to extremely severe injuries.

This additional protection measure is ideally suitable for winding roads / forest sections with a high motorcycle frequency, where many motorcycle accidents could occur.

When it comes to boosting motorcyclist protection, the protective panels are mounted to the already existing steel crash barriers. This installation requires little time and cost, i.e. no large investment is required.

Motorcyclist protection - Services
Motorcyclist protection - Services
Motorcyclist protection - Services